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Bulletin October 2019

 Category: Bulletin  Publisher: Gold Bridge Shipping  Published: 2019  Pages: 8  Country: Indonesia  Language: English  Edition: 6

Dear Captains and my beloved crews,
We thank you and very much welcome your feedback on annual crew seminar and family gathering at Puncak on 5th – 6th October 2019 and for taking positive action on our theme “Deepen Your Leadership”. There is an indicative upward trend
of crew injury cases regardless of minor or major ones. We are very concern about this trend and realise that many mincor cases can build up to a major case if proper precaution and special attention are not taken. We thank your feedback and appropriate action on our lessons shared. Please enhance safety culture, cultivate reflective discussion and tool-box talks.
Please show your “Leadership” on “Safety culture and our HSSE policy”.

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